Who Keeps the Lamps Burning?

This Week At Windsor E-News 28.04.2023

I wasn't long in Sydney before some well meaning soul said to me, "Now, be sure to take care of yourself. We can't have you burning out!" Nearly eight years later, this *watch-out-don't-burnout* mantra has become all-too familiar.

People say it so often that I nearly finish the sentence for them. I find myself repeating it to others. I hear the phrase exchanged like condolences; between friends, strangers, neighbours, church members, professionals, parents, etc. Because its a mantra of our generation, it's worth probing this oft-repeated phrase:

  • Does Jesus say I am able to 'look after' myself? To the toils of life, our generation has added the burden of "self-care" - a task so sweeping it defies limit or completion. I'm not advocating for self-neglect; but I am questioning if we can meet the demand to "take care of yourself"? That's a high bar.

  • Do these reminders reflect how Jesus cares for others? The premise of the *watch-out-don't-burnout* mantra is self-interest dressed up as empathy. We might as well be saying to one another, "Hey, I can't afford to have you not functioning, so can you please make sure you do whatever you need to keep it up?" Where is incarnational love?

  • Who keeps our lamp burning? Burnout is real and its effects are destructive. But the issue is not burning; it's with the supply of fuel to burn. God said it was the High Priest's job to keep the lamps lit before His presence. Where is the risen Jesus when he appears to John (Rev. 1)? He is among the lamps; keeping us lit. Let the church take of his supply.

He is among the lamps; keeping us lit. Let the church take of his supply.