Sunday Services Online Only



Following the restrictions imposed by the Australian government on gatherings over 100+ persons to curb the coronavirus pandemic, and following the advice of the Baptist Association, the leadership of Windsor District Baptist Church has decided to hold its Sunday Services exclusively online via a live-stream format.

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This rare decision was motivated by love for our neighbours (not fear) and respect for our governing authorities. We understand the urgent and stringent measures required to slow the rate of virus transmission. As a leadership we believe this is the path of prudence and godly wisdom.

While these are trying times and the situation is fluid, we are still confident in our God and in our calling as members of Christ’s body, the Church. Thus we remain committed to encouraging one another in the Lord, to the fellowship of believers, to the proclamation of the gospel, and to boldly living out the Christian faith we profess.


What Is the Format of Our Online Service?

All parts of the service will be recorded and live-streamed. This includes welcome, praise music from our worship teams, scripture reading, prayer, sermon, announcements and benediction.

Services will run at the regular times of 9:30am & 5:30pm until further notice. We expect the overall service running time to be trimmed slightly given the lack of a congregation.

How do I access the Service Live-Stream?

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As of now, our Facebook Page is the way to access our stream in real time. This may change as we seek to find the most accessible format. After the service has ended, you can access the video feed on our website. We are also considering making DVD recordings available for small groups.

What about Communion and Offering?

Communion can be served and celebrated at any private gathering of believers. As a church, we traditionally celebrate the Lord’s Supper on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month, in the morning and evening service, respectively.

Offering can be collected digitally via EFT or bank transfers into the Windsor District Baptist Church general account for tithes and offerings. Simply setup a direct deposit into the church account.

WDBC Bank Details Are: BSB: 704 922 | ACCOUNT - 100 004 623

If you prefer to give your offering in person, we will leave a collection point at the church office; or you can send via Post.

Have We Considered AlternativeS?

Yes, we have considered hosting multiple smaller gatherings. However, the spirit of the measures being taken against COVID-19 are to discourage human-to-human contact. We are not looking for loopholes.

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For instance, it would be counter-productive to close our morning service but leave the evening service open, with the expectation that those who missed the morning would then fill our evening service.

Finally, we expect the restrictions on large group gatherings will soon be tightened to exclude meetings of 50, or perhaps even fewer.

What About kids Church & Anchored Youth?

We have not forgotten about them! In fact, our staff and minsitry leaders have already come up with a few creative ideas to keep our precious children engaged in spiritual matters. There may even be a surprise thrown into the mix.

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Pastor Stephen Cole has already moved Anchored Youth meetings into a digital format through social media, gaming platforms, and good old-fashioned phone calls. They started a YouVersion bible plan!

What If I still show up to church anyway?

Even though we won’t lock the doors, please stay home. Trust us, at WDBC we love worshipping together. And I am not exactly keen on preaching to an empty auditorium. But that said, it is important that we respect these measures and those entrusted with a duty of care to protect others around us. As mentioned above, as a church we are self-limiting our whole church gatherings out of love, not out of fear.

Will our small groups still meet?

Yes, they certainly will! It is in these groups where we will “not give up meeting together” (Heb 10:25f) but continue encouraging each other, strengthening our faith as we look to Christ.

Your small group leader will be a key contact for spiritual care. Our plan is that I will liase regularly with our small group leaders to provide support, care and guidance where needed. It is pivotal that we not neglect this aspect of our fellowship.

If you (or someone in your group) exhibit possible symptoms of COVID-19, please self-isolate, see a doctor, and notify your group leader immediately. When our small groups meet, the expectation is that precautions will be implemented to reduce risk of exposure.

What If I am not in a small group?

We would be happy to get you connected to one. Joanna Hoffman, our Minister for Community Life, is available to contact you to try and determine which group is the best fit for you. (If you click her name above, it will open a new email message for you to contact her.)

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Or, you can fill out this form to express your interest.

If you are not intersted or able to join a group, our ministry staff and/or pastoral care team (led by Noel Edwardes) will be doing its best to stay in touch.

Will the church offices still be open?

Yes. As long as we are able, we will keep to our regular office hours of Tuesdays - Fridays, 9:00am - 5:00pm.

Emergency Relief parcels will be available by appointment only, provided the church is able to keep supplies adequately stocked. To obtain a relief parcel, please email the church office at

What about on-site ministries & Events?

The Bargain Barn will remain open, provided we have volunteer staff willing to operate it and keep to government restrictions.

All churchwide events will be supsended except for small groups or other necessary meetings where the number of participants is low.

Quarterly Church Meetings will be postponed, given that our membership exceeds 140 persons. Any matters requiring congregation approval will be communicated via written correspondence. Any matters requiring congregational vote will be employ electronic voting.

How can we stay connected in this time?

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Remember the Spirit of the Lord unites us always! For this reason, we can be confident that our prayers and petitions are a great way to show love because the same God and Father unites us all in Christ!

More practically, here’s a few tips:

  • Keep your Sunday morning routine, even if you don’t leave the house. Get dressed, gather close friends and family, and participate in the service. Sing, Pray, Take Notes, Break Bread.

  • Call a church member or friend after the service on Sunday to encourage them with something the Lord showed you.

  • Invite someone over for Sunday lunch or Sunday dinner.

  • Consider watching the Sunday Service as a small group.

  • Consider inviting a non-churched friend or relative to watch the service with you and get their feedback.

We will be bolstering our support for small groups. Next week Joanna Hoffman will be sending out a post on “5 Ways to Cultivate Gospel Community in Your Small Group” so be watching for that.

Finally, we will continue developing a “Care Response” for the vulnerable among us. While we recognize there are limitations to what we can provide, our desire is to meet the practical needs of our fellow believers and our neighbours where possible.

Looking for an activity to do from home? How about paint some rocks with a theme from the lesson?

Looking for an activity to do from home? How about paint some rocks with a theme from the lesson?